cat and fishbone

Welcome to Cat and Fishbone website

Cat and fishbone is a website which introduces prints created by a Japanese artist, Megumi Takahashi.

Please have a look around her world of tranquility. 



 Sumi  (Ink) 

Feelings have no fixed shape.  They are like clouds in the sky, changing their shapes all the time just floating aimlessly.  This is my lyricism.  Cloud-shaped objects substitute for transience.  They float in the air being tossed by winds and gradually fade away. 




 Kodama  (Tree spirit)

 I'd like to discover aspects of nature, of life, as yet unknown to me.  I have been using strings to ‘draw’ my sensibility, to show the process of my art work with my own stitches and how I worked on it.  And the piece of work starts breathing on a sheet of paper. 


































These etchings show my feelings through the smudging, distorting and wavering of lines and surfaces.  Nothing is forever systematic in this world.  There is negligence and hesitation in everyone’s mind, which could be fragile and sensitive.


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